Jasmine Lehman, body builder and model joined the Colossus Girl Entertainment team back in 2017. Since that time period she has portrayed the character and symbol of Colossus Girl Entertainment as Colossus Girl. She was the face of the conventions along with her other fellow cosplayers Aimee Canfield (Meadowlark), and Holly Call (Gem Star). Jasmine aka Colossus Girl in 2024 will not return to the conventions as she has had many changes in her life since her first appearance back in 2017. Her new marriage, Youtube success, and a bright future in the I.T. industry, she needs to move forward. She said "Colossus Girl Entertainment had faith in her abilities as a cosplayer and without the support she would not be where she is today."
Cosplayers are very important to Colossus Girl Entertainment. Jasmine was family, not only to the convention team, but to the thousands of fans who enjoyed her portrayal of Colossus Girl. Colossus Girl Entertainment thanks Jasmine for all she has done and we had some amazing great times. We will always support her endeavor's and wish her well. She is always welcome back to the conventions and will always be a big part of convention history. She will always be family.
