September 10, 2022 California Republic Comic Con (CRCC), El Dorado County Fairgrounds/Event Center staff, and The California Department of Forestry discussed the present danger of the Mosquito Fire that has ravaged the local mountainous area. The fire is at 0% containment and danger looms. All involved are taking the necessary steps to insure the publics safety. The California Department of Forestry (Cal Fire) will be using the El Dorado Fairgrounds/Event Center as a headquarters and staging area for the Mosquito Fire until the danger has been eradicated. The Event Center staff has informed California Republic Comic Con that right now at this time the comic con is as scheduled, but CRCC is taking its own precautions. Right now as of this weekend CRCC is still moving forward with the convention slated for September 25, 2022 based on the venues and Cal Fires evaluation. September 14, 2022 all those involved will discuss the venue and slated schedule. Here is what will happen in case the convention is postponed.
CRCC has grown in experience and accustomed to emergencies since the COVID pandemic. CRCC is confident that everyone will overcome this new hurdle of the Mosquito Fire. If CRCC is postponed a new date will be scheduled for the 2023 convention season. For vendors/exhibitors you will be credited for any convention produced by Colossus Girl Entertainment. For those Fandom Friends who bought tickets you will be credited for the CRCC 2023 or have a choice of attending any of the Colossus Girl Entertainment comic cons using your credit. This was done during postponed comic cons during COVID and same policy will apply including the non refund policy of Colossus Girl Entertainment. Volunteers may also have the choice of coming back to CRCC next year or volunteer at any of the other connected conventions. All contractual agreements will cease and voided. This will give CRCC 2023 a new clean slate to serve everyone, and make it easier for everyone. If the fire is contained, and the convention will continue as planned, expect no changes and we will all have a great time in a few short days.
The most important thing is that people are safe, especially in the communities of El Dorado County and surrounding areas. CRCC keeps everyone close to the heart and wants the best for everyone. Keep spirits high and new updates will follow soon as news can travel.
